Thursday, February 02, 2006

Having the drains seed to

This is my pin.

I wear it on my lapel once or twice a week, sometimes more.

People notice it and wonder: is it some sort of patriotic statement or an indication of merit, like a Phi Beta Kappa pin?

I don't have a Phi Beta Kappa pin, but neither do the Phi Beta Kappans of my acquaintance have a National Drainage Congress pin.

That's what my lapel pin says: Delegate, National Drainage Congress, New Orleans, April 10-13, 1912.

I was not a delegate to the National Drainage Congress in New Orleans in 1912, nor to any other drainage congress since that time. I do not intend to attend a drainage congress of any sort at any time in the near or distant future. I just wear the pin.

I bought the pin nearly 30 years ago at a flea market in Florida for one dollar.

People ask me what it is worth today. I do not know the answer.

I have lost the pin many times, but it always comes back to me.

It is my pin.

P.S. "Having the drains seed to" is a quotation from a work of literature. Anyone know the source?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

. . . my goodness. Google is most informative; I never would have guessed "A Study in Scarlet." Now I have to reread all of the Sherlock Holmes stories and reacquaint myself with the minor characters.