Monday, April 20, 2015


Two weeks left, and one is finals week! It's almost over! How many essential activities can I squeeze into a mere two weeks?

Classes to teach: 8
Extra optional bonus workshop on documentation to lead: 1
Drafts to read/respond to: 17
Exams to write: 2
Exams to grade: 28
Papers to grade: 17
Reading quiz to write: 1
Reading quizzes to grade: 17
Extra optional bonus reading quiz to write: 1
Extra optional bonus reading quizzes to grade: some number between 0 and 17
Meetings to attend: 9
Meetings I fully intend to skip: 1
Colloquium talk to polish and present: 1
Anthology chapter to revise and submit: 1
Grades to calculate: all of 'em
Hairs to pull out: not all of 'em (I hope)

See,that's not so much. I can handle it as long as my house cleans itself and the lawn stops growing. Piece of cake with ice cream on the side!

1 comment:

jo(e) said...

Two weeks left here, too. I cannot wait for my summer to begin.