Thursday, June 06, 2024

News too good not to share

First, the tiny wrens in the nest in my weed-whacker's battery compartment seem to be thriving. I angled the camera just right to get a lousy photo, but I can confirm that there are at least three wrens in there dividing their time between sleeping and eating. An adult swooped in to shoo me away and then stood guard nearby giving me the evil eye, but I can accept that. Always good to see a parent diligently protecting the youngsters.

Second, the grant we applied for earlier this spring has been approved, woo-hoo! So now I'll be in charge of planning a series of campus events over the next two months to engage faculty and staff in an interesting project; I'll have to work hard but this could be the start of something really exciting and I'm delighted to be in the middle of it. Plus there's money. Not a ton of money, but it's always a nice thing to have. 

Third, I finally watched American Fiction, the film adapted from Percival Everett's novel Erasure. It fits perfectly into the themes of my African American Literature class this fall--and the ending made me laugh so hard I nearly fell off my chair. A little thought-provoking satire to celebrate the end of the semester--win-win! 

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