Monday, June 10, 2024

A knack for naming

My oldest grandkid would like to be an astronaut but I think she could pursue an alternate career in naming space vehicles. Move over, Spirit, Opportunity, Apollo, and Voyager; Miss E would like to introduce you to Hope, Possibility, Bigs, Apple, Creativity, Shadow Storm, and--Smurf?

Except those are not names of space vehicles. No: they're cauliflower plants. Because if a kid loves cauliflower and is determined to grow some in her family garden plot, then of course she's going to give those coddled cauliflower plants names.

My granddaughter introduced me to her cauliflower patch when we went to water the garden Saturday morning. It was my grandson's birthday so he was enjoying his Yes Day, which gave him the power to determine how the family spent its Saturday. First things first: we all went out to a you-pick orchard to gather buckets of cherries, raspberries, and strawberries. Gardening came next, with the birthday boy filling watering cans so the girls could water the cauliflower and carrots and tomatoes and squash and whatever else they've got growing out there. 

Time speeds up when we're with the grandkids so I'm not sure how we packed so much into a brief visit. Grampa gave the youngest her first unicycle lessons and helped our daughter spread mulch in her gorgeous flower garden, and we all enjoyed a sushi-tastic dinner followed by ice cream cake and "Happy birthday." 

I dream sometimes about living closer to my grandkids so I could enjoy their hijinks more frequently, but in the meantime I get an energy boost every time they introduce me to their latest project.

Especially if it's a cauliflower named Smurf.

Free unicycle lessons, courtesy of Grampa

Introducing the cauliflowers

Watering the garden

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