Friday, November 24, 2023

Thanksgiving smiles

The youngest grandkids were pretending to be superheroes and when it came time to select their powers, the youngest said, "I breathe out sunshine." Indeed she does, but so do her siblings. It's a family trait passed down from both parents: the ability to light up a room with a smile.

We've been enjoying some Thanksgiving sunshine with the grandkids, with food and fun and silliness. The meal was a group effort, as usual; I was especially thankful for my oldest granddaughter's help on rolling out the pumpkin yeast rolls because some muscle pain in my arm made it hard to apply sufficient oomph. We ate and talked and took a walk and by late afternoon we were all in the living room, struggling to stay awake.

Today's it's time to head back home, where I'll face a fridge that isn't crammed with leftovers (except some excess cranberry chutney, yum). But that's okay. As much as we enjoy the Thanksgiving meal, it's really not about the food. What we're most thankful for are the smiles full of sunshine.


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