Who thought visiting Florida in July was a great idea? It's hot! And bright! And the birds I love to see here in winter are keeping cooler elsewhere. And yet we're finding a way to see some sights, in between family visits and services.
At Fort Caroline, a reconstructed fort near the site of an early settlement of French Huguenots who attempted to colonize Florida before being massacred by Spanish conquistadors, we saw crabs waging and epic battle for territory on the shores of the St. Johns River. While hiking through the dense woods to see what sort of terrain drove the Spanish to near despair so long ago, my son got whacked in the face by an errant elderberry bush. When you see elderberries so close to a French fort, it's time to look out for taunters, and sure enough there was a tiny crab in fort's moat waving its big claw as if to claim the entire territory for itself. The crab probably has more right to the place than the rest of us.
Fort Caroline, a reconstruction
Crab in the moat
Mirror world
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