Friday, January 29, 2021

Friday poetry challenge: paean to lost pleasures

This week I'm really missing the highly civilized practice of taking a cup of hot tea with me to class. It's nice to wet my whistle when I teach back-to-back without a break, and the pause to pick up the cup and take a sip fills that awkward gap while I'm waiting for a student to respond to a question. But masks make so many things impossible, so I walk to class without my tea and miss the feeling of hot chai rolling over my tongue while my students try to look thoughtful.

Give me
my tea!
A mug
to lug
to class--
My chai--
from green
or black
tea leaves.
At fe-
ver pitch
I itch
to sip
from mug,
to chug
my brew.

You too?

Anyone want to try a little poetic paean to a practice squelched by the pandemic?

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