Thursday, November 28, 2019

No turkey? No problem.

On the one hand, we've had no turkey, no stuffing, no cranberry chutney or pumpkin pie, and we spent half of the day traveling by car, plane, bus, subway, and feet, but on the other hand, here we are in Manhattan looking at the city lights and getting ready for a fun and festive weekend with members of my husband's community choir. 

They'll be in rehearsals Friday morning and Saturday afternoon, preparing to join hundreds of other choir members from all over the country singing Handel's Messiah Sunday at Carnegie Hall, and when he's not rehearsing, we'll be seeing a play and doing some sight-seeing. When he is rehearsing, though, I've got plans. I mean, we're just a few blocks from Hudson Yards, Times Square, and the New York Public Library's main branch. I'll bet I can find something to do in my free time.

Who needs turkey when you've got the Big Apple?


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