Wednesday, May 22, 2019

In place of the original post

So you've just finished writing a pithy little blog post beautifully capturing in words the afterglow of a morning spent struggling to put words together into a coherent argument in the presence of your Writing Wednesday colleagues who sit around a table in a library conference room for a few morning hours and write write write on their summer projects, and you're pleased with the way you've recreated the soothing hum of fingers clickety-clicking on keyboards and brain cells wrangling with intransigent concepts, and you're eager to share the serendipity inspired by a colleague who forwarded a Call for Papers just at the moment when you were casting about for an audience worthy of that neat little insight that's been boomeranging around the back of your mind for at least a month but now the unexpected gift of a CFP has provided a clear target and sense of purpose and a shape for your summer writing time, and you really want to share how good it feels to have ideas flowing from the brain to the fingers onto the screen so you write it all down and prepare to post but then at the last minute you're distracted by a question from a friend and you click on delete instead and in a flash it's all gone--what do you do?

Maybe it's time to put down the laptop and rev up the lawnmower.


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