Tuesday, March 05, 2019

Round of applause, then rust in peace

I won't complain about our sudden urgent need to get a new water heater; after all, the old water heater lived here long before we moved in, and we've been here for 15 years now. The new water heater will be bigger, better, more efficient than the old one, and it presumably won't leak all over the furnace room, which is a plus. But in these days of planned obsolescence, how often do we get to celebrate the long lives of our appliances?

So I'd like to offer my long-suffering water heater a round of applause for serving faithfully without fanfare for so many years, providing hot water for untold numbers of showers, laundry loads, and dirty dishes. You've served me well, water heater! No go rust in peace.

And while we're at it, let's give a shout-out to the water heater's near neighbor, our ancient deep-freeze, which we bought (used) 35 years ago. Way to keep it cool, deep-freeze! You may be scratched, dented, and dull on the outside, but inside you've kept our meats and garden produce frozen solid without a complaint for more than three decades. Keep on freezing!

(Don't look now--the freezer's blushing. But the water heater has already left the building.)

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