Thursday, February 21, 2019

Quick, run outside before the clouds come back!

After days, weeks, maybe months of rain, sleet, snow, and fog, the sky cleared and the sunshine lured me outside for a walk along my road, still mushy from rain but more walkable than the waterlogged meadows and woods, and even though my legs felt like tree stumps rooted in place after days, weeks, months of sitting too much and exercising too little, I walked up the big horrible hill, felt the sun on my face and the wind in my hair, saw a red-tailed hawk and two turkey vultures (even though it's a little early for their return from the south) and a kingfisher and tufted titmouse and who knows what else, and I felt the gloom lifting and blowing away like a wisp of cloud drifting off into a clear blue sky.

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