"All of my other classes are cancelled today," says a student in my morning class, and another nods--"Mine too." I hear the accusation in their voices: if other professors can cancel classes, why can't you?
I consider several answers:
Because we have some really cool stuff coming up and we can't afford to fall behind on our work. (True but unsatisfying for students who had to get up and moving while their roommates stayed in their nice warm comfy beds.)
Because the College has not officially cancelled classes so I feel compelled to give you your money's worth. (Only partly true--I could easily have justified cancelling classes today if my intrepid husband hadn't shamed me with the "In my day we walked to school in twelve feet of snow" schtick. And let the record show that his job was cancelled today so he's staying in the nice warm house while I'm out sliding all over the highway.)
Hey, maybe my afternoon meeting will be cancelled! All my other meetings are cancelled today--why not this one?
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