Friday, January 22, 2016

Preparing for the worst (or the best, depending on your perspective)

With an undetermined amount of snow in the offing, the entire county quivers in the grip of Pre-Storm Toilet-Paper Panic, which compels otherwise rational people to dash to the nearest grocery store and fill their carts with jumbo-size packs of toilet paper. What are they planning to do with all that toilet paper--weave a warm rug? What makes people believe that they'll need massive amounts of toilet paper during a storm? Maybe the thought of a blizzard scares the bleep out of 'em.

We're situated on the distant edge of the oncoming blizzard, so forecasts vary from one inch to 13. My husband would prefer 13 or even 30 inches--the more time he can spend on the tractor shoving snow around, the happier he'll be.  Our granddaughter, meanwhile, says snow is her "favorite water," mostly because of all the neat things she can do with it: sledding, snowmen, snow angels, snowballs, throwing snowballs at Grampa on the tractor. What's not to love?
Whatever the outcome of this weekend's storm, we have what we need to face the worst: hot tea and coloring books, wood for the fireplace, fresh homemade bread and a freezer full of food, and a granddaughter to provide entertainment. And, of course, a sufficiency of toilet paper to serve our family's needs. (But not enough to weave a blanket.)

Hot tea, a book,
a cozy nook,
a fire gently crackling;
warm boots and gloves,
a child who loves
the snow--what could be lacking?

A snowman's nose
(a carrot!) grows,
as angels stretch their snow-wings

pull up a chair
and linger there
to watch what winter's showing.

That's what my weekend looks like. How about yours?  

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