Monday, April 07, 2014

A few minor corrections

In response to my previous post, a person in a position to know informs me that camels do not, in fact, store water in their humps. I might argue that metaphorical camels do, in fact, store water in their humps, but mixing literal and metaphorical camels does nasty things to the gene pool, so forget I ever mentioned it.

While we're issuing corrections, I should point out that there's no such thing as the Comma Fairy (don't tell my students!) and that my extensive entourage is entirely imaginary (which suggests that someone needs to explain these outrageous expense reports--how many mink toilet seat covers does an entourage need?).

And if we're being entirely literal, I've never climbed an Alp or waited for a Saint Bernard to rescue me or posted photos of nude exhibitionists (well, except for that one time). But I could! Metaphorically speaking, of course.

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