Wednesday, October 22, 2008

A dash of perspective

I arrived on campus when it was still dark this morning, but I was cheered on my way when I saw the emerging library's windows all lit up from within and workmen inside taking care of business. It's nice to know I'm not the only one working at the crack of dawn.

I had been feeling a little sorry for myself for being so swamped with work that I had to get to the office in the wee hours, but along the way I stopped at the grocery store and griped a bit to the cashier, who informed me that she had to scrape the frost off her car windows at 4 a.m. so she could get to work on time--and she's 68 years old! "I love my job," she said, "but I never really expected to be scraping car windows that early in the morning at my age!"

She didn't look 68, and she didn't act at all bothered about her plight. I don't expect to be scraping windows in the wee hours at age 68 just so I can stand on my feet and scan groceries all day, but if I ever end up in that position, I hope I have the grace and patience to love my job.

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