Monday, August 05, 2024

News from afield

After 20 years our woods and fields still have something to teach me. The white pine that got chopped down smashed our mullein patch, but here come some new plants springing back after the carnage. The area we've been leaving unmowed in the lower meadow is transforming itself into a pollinator habitat with very little encouragement from us; today I saw ironweed, coneflowers, and a few scraggly milkweed plants, but who knows what will be growing there tomorrow? Tiny pawpaws peek out from behind donkey-ear leaves along the edge of the woods, while morning glories weave among the tall grass. And what's that tiny lavender blossom with the purple center? I thought I knew my woods pretty well but once again they give me a puzzle.


New mullein in the smashed space


I don't know what this is.



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