Monday, December 18, 2023

Revving up for the holidays

So much to celebrate today! No more grading, no need to go to campus, cookie dough in the fridge ready to be rolled out, piles of gifts all wrapped up to take to the grandkids later in the week, a functioning television at our house for the first time in several years plus a new tech setup that allows us to stream video here for the first time ever. (Ah, the joys of country life!) 

And let's not forget that today is our anniversary. Forty-one years! Once upon a time we were shiny young things in a cranky old car, but now we're the ones having trouble getting moving in the morning. But we can still get our engines going when we need to! That's something to celebrate.


'Snough said...

Happy anniversary!

nicoleandmaggie said...

Happy anniversary!

Bev said...

Thanks! It was a pretty low-key celebration, a welcome change in a hectic season.