Monday, October 09, 2023

Time for the annual cold-building complaint

I wasn't prepared for the cold and wind during my weekend visit with the grandkids, so I did a lot of layering every time we went outside and then, on the way home, I bought a new jacket. 

I wore the new jacket to campus this morning but found it insufficient to protect against the arctic indoor chill. Goodness it's cold in here. I'm wearing fingerless gloves right now because otherwise my hands would be too cold to feel the keys. Who knew that a PhD in literature would qualify me for a job in which I have to dress like Bob Cratchit?

Do I dare turn on my space heater? It's a tough call because we're not supposed to have space heaters in our offices (but everyone does) and if too many people turn on their space heaters, we blow the circuits and lose power entirely. But my neighbor across the hall has left for the day so maybe I'll be safe.   

I'm tempted to just cancel office hours until we get some heat in the building. I mean, I can huddle under a blanket to work in my office, but I don't have enough blankets for everyone else in the building.

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