Monday, September 04, 2023

Hello, hawk!

Yesterday I glanced out the front window just at the right moment to see a raptor standing on the driveway right next to my car--and even better, the camera bag was nearby. I took a few photos through the picture window and then went outside to get closer, which scared the bird away. While resting it looked too small to be a red-tailed hawk, but it had a wide wingspan and a call like a red-tailed hawk, so maybe a juvenile? 

On Saturday I spent some time wandering the property with the camera, trying to capture the end-of-summer glory before it fades. Jewel weed, ironweed, and joe pye weed are still spectacular and the sunflowers in the garden are standing tall. I mean, really tall. How tall are they? The resident gardener is six feet tall, so you do the math.

Well whatever their height, the sunflowers are producing plenty of seeds that will continue to attract birds to our little house in the not-so-big woods.

jewel weed


joe pye weed

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