Tuesday, August 09, 2022

Thrills and spills in a smelly office

I'm pleased to report that my office on campus smells really good this morning, and so do I. Vanilla latte! On the floor, my shirt, my pants, and even the new shoes I'm wearing for the first time today. (Good thing they're not white.) The coffee cup itself and a good measure of its contents ended up in an open desk drawer containing manila envelopes, labels, and about half a ream of copy paper. That's all in the trash right now--but, again, it smells really good.

Great time for a colleague to drop by with a prospective student who needs an answer to a question! I had to assure her that I did indeed have a clean shirt on when I arrived on campus this morning, even if it now looks as if some vengeful plagiarist poured an entire pot of coffee down my front.  

I had intended to do a little cleaning in my office this morning--sorting papers, putting away books, dusting--but instead I did a whole lot of wet and messy cleaning. My trash can is full of ruined envelopes and coffee-soaked paper towels, and the rug beneath my desk still has a big wet spot.

But it smells really, really good. Delicious, actually. I can taste that vanilla latte just by sitting my office and breathing. Not the way I prefer to ingest my vanilla latte, but under the circumstances, it's the best I can do.

A day that starts like this can't possibly get any worse, right?  

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