Thursday, October 28, 2021

A little monkey business

I just found myself writing a comment I don't recall ever before applying to a student project: Effective use of monkeys. It's a relief, really, to see such adorable monkeys cavorting all over an assignment, and it's a relief to be able to write something more interesting than italicize titles of books or the period comes after the parentheses.

I've been reading drafts of annotated bibliographies, the most loathsome type of assignment to grade because so many elements require attention beyond the clarity of the annotations themselves: alphabetical order, title formats, hanging indent, punctuation, and a host of other niggling details. So then it was a pleasure to shift to the interpretive maps produced by my Postcolonial Lit students, whose use of monkeys was, as mentioned, highly effective. How can I encourage the use of colorful cavorting monkeys on other assignments?




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