Thursday, March 19, 2020

Just ducky

I didn't walk far this morning because of threatening weather, but I found plenty to distract me from the current crisis: flotsam washed up by last night's heavy rain, cardinals chasing each other through the forsythia, waterleaf and coltsfoot popping up in the woods alongside the usual spring crop of beer cans tossed out of passing cars (why?), spring rivulets washing down the hillsides, standing waves in the creek where a few days ago our grandkids were wading--and, best of all, a pair of wood ducks in the trees above the creek. I've caught a few glimpses of ducks for a week or so but never saw enough to provide a clear identification. I hope this pair decides to nest nearby. 

I can see how high the creek rose based on what it left behind.

Why do people do this? All up and down my country road!

wood ducks!

This tree caught...something.

This is where we were wading last week.

And the bridge caught a tree.


Such a handsome couple.

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