Monday, December 23, 2019

Fun with frosting and sprinkles

Last night I witnessed a wonder: after my 20-month-old granddaughter strutted around shaking maracas, jingling bells, and banging on the xylophone, she proclaimed that she was "All done," picked up all the instruments, put them back in the basket, and then carried the basket over to the shelf--without being asked. 

This is a girl after my own heart: she knows how to have fun, but she also delights in picking up, packing up, closing doors and being done with whatever she's been doing. She looks more like me than the other grandkids do and now she acts more like me too. It's good to know that some of my genes will carry on when I'm gone.

Today we've had quite a mess to clean up and we're not done yet. The two older grandkids rolled out cookie dough, and even though the middle one insisted that he could do it all by himself, they eventually resorted to teamwork to get it done. Later when the cookies cooled they added frosting and lots of sprinkles to make silver bells, coconut snowmen, green sparkly Christmas trees, and even some gingerbread men that look like maimed rejects from the Blue Man Group. We don't really need any more cookies but the process makes us happy, so why not?

Of course it also makes a mess. Too bad the kid who likes to clean up is taking a nap right now or I'd put her to work.

Ms. Maraca loves to make noise.

"I can do it myself!"

Teamwork helps.

The taste-test is very important for quality control.

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