Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Where learning is timeless

I told my students on the first day of class that they should place their bets on when the classroom clock would fail but they didn't believe me; now they're convinced that the clock is cursed or the room is haunted by a ghost that gobbles up minutes by the hour, misleading us into believing it's 3:15 at 8:00 in the morning, leaving me babbling at the front of the class long after class is supposed to be over, causing the building coordinator to tut-tut over the number of times she has to replace the batteries or replace the clock, which happens at least once each semester in that room and no other, and it wouldn't even matter if I were in the habit of wearing a watch (what's that?) or carrying my phone to class, which I don't want to do because I have a hard enough time remembering texts, handouts, keys, and dry-erase markers every day and I'm always leaving things behind for the next person who uses the room but I don't want to do that with my phone, so yesterday I deputized a student to warn me when time was running out but she must have been so totally immersed in the class discussion that she forgot to tell us and then there we were, still carrying on our discussion while the next class gathered in the hallway wondering why we wouldn't give up the room, which is an excellent room in every other way, with rolling chairs and roomy tables that are easy to move and a computer console that has never failed me in the middle of class, and if the room happens to be haunted by a time-crunching clock, then I guess that's the price we have to pay for learning in a pleasant environment, but please: will someone just let me know when time is up so I don't babble on all afternoon?

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