Monday, February 26, 2018

Another entry in the Academic Olympics

Today's top Olympic event is Synchronized Coffee-Cleaning, in which two students toss a roll of paper towels back and forth as they attempt to clean up a massive coffee spill all over the classroom floor. Watch those paper towels fly! Uh-oh, looks like the spillage is creeping toward a classmate's backpack! Will they soak up the whole spill before running out of paper towels?

Wait--one student has broken free! She's running to the bathroom for more paper towels! They're wiping, they're swiping, they're tossing soaking paper towels into the trash can--and they're through! The floor is clear! And not a spot of coffee on their shoes--they'll get extra points for style!

I, on the other hand, am walking around the rest of the day in shoes that smell like coffee. I was not involved in the cleanup, thankfully, but I was standing right there collecting reading quizzes when the coffee spilled, and in fact it's entirely possible that my hip accidentally nudged the desk enough to send the coffee flying before the student ever had a chance to take a sip. I'm going to have to treat my student to another massive coffee drink to make up for it.

Best moment of the morning: the student actually managed to contribute meaningfully to class discussion--of Faulkner (!)--while wiping up the spilled coffee. And the crowd goes wild!

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