Tuesday, March 25, 2014

So needy!

Life is rough, but right at this moment all I really need to make me happy is a plastic spoon. (It's hard to eat yogurt with a fork, even lusciously thick Greek yogurt studded with peach chunks) It would be nice, too, if those snowflakes I just saw falling from the sky were hallucinations or tricks of the light. That's not much to ask, is it? Just a plastic spoon and no more snow until winter.

Well, maybe a few more names on my advising schedule would be nice, so I don't end up with a sudden rush of advisees demanding my immediate attention at the very last possible moment. And while we're at it, I really really need some sort of printed release form to hand to advisees who insist upon postponing important requirements until "later" or dropping down to 10 hours "because Coach said it would be okay." I want them to sign something saying, essentially, "I'm shooting myself in the foot against my advisor's better judgment, and I hereby promise that I will not come crawling to her begging for bandages or looking for a crutch."

So that's it: spoon, no snow, names, form. 

And warmth. I'm tired of winter sweaters, and my sweaters look tired of winter too. 

And tractor repairs. The disabled tractor interrupts my view of the crocuses blooming under the sweet gum tree, and that's simply not acceptable. I need to see crocuses!

And massive enrollments this fall so we don't have to cut any more positions or classes or break any more hearts.

And more English majors and students who love reading and writing and thinking. 

And repairs to the slumping part of my road, where it looks as if the whole hillside is waiting for just the right moment to slide into the creek. 

But lacking all that, at this point I'd be happy with a spoon. 


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