Thursday, November 18, 2010

The Love Song of J. Alfred Profsquawk

My freshman honors students this morning were comparing the obstacles that separate them from winter break:

"Only three more class sessions before finals!"

"Only two more papers!"

"Only one more lab report!"

Yes, they have measured out their lives in lab reports, papers, and class sessions. Meanwhile, I'm measuring mine in committee meetings to attend (one more!), student drafts to read (26!), and final exams to write and grade (just one but it's a doozy!).

I grow old, I grow old, I shall wear the visage of a prof who has sold her soul for the promise of the occasional student who recognizes an allusion to T.S. Eliot.


Bardiac said...

Dog, color me jealous. I have a meeting scheduled for 5 hours (watch me cringe), then two half an hour meeting with transfer students. And that's just tomorrow. :(

Bev said...

I hear you...I've had evening meetings every day this week; in fact, I haven't seen my house in the daytime since Sunday. I'm definitely looking forward to a little break from meetings!