Monday, August 07, 2006


Today was a day of briefcases falling from the sky, not to mention trees. Okay, they didn't exactly fall from the sky, but it certainly felt that way. Years ago I got rid of a badly used and abused briefcase--I might have sold it at a moving sale or donated it to Goodwill--and today it came back to me, minus all the scuffs and scratches. It's not the perfect briefcase but it came to me out of the blue: my wonderful colleague picked it up at a yard sale. It's spacious and serviceable and, best of all, it saves me from having to make any difficult decisions about a new briefcase any time soon.

The trees, on the other hand, really were falling from the sky. Tree trimmers were on campus all day, blocking paths and lopping limbs with great abandon. I was tempted more than once to make off with a few cords of stacked wood, but sadly, they wouldn't fit in my new briefcase.

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